Site Access Guidelines for Best Practice


ECOWind has led the co-development of best practice guidelines with experts from government, academia, and industry, to help researchers and offshore wind farm developers collaborate effectively when access to offshore wind farms is requested for research purposes. Evidence from research has the potential to help mitigate environmental impacts and support strategic decision-making on a large scale. This multidisciplinary approach fosters innovation, improves industry performance, and paves the way for efficiently meeting national targets.

The primary goal of these guidelines is to foster a positive and productive environment for both industry and researchers, while also encouraging innovation, knowledge sharing, and long-term progress in the offshore wind sector. Adherence to these best practices enables the establishment of effective communication channels, mutual understanding, and safety considerations for accessing offshore wind farms for research.

View the Best Practice Guidelines (pdf) here. Last updated January 2024.

The full report is also available on the Marine Data Exchange, along with some additional information.

These Best Practice Guidelines aim to facilitate collaboration between researchers and developers when access to offshore wind farms is requested for research purposes. Aiming to promote innovation while ensuring safety and effective communication in the sector.

Access to Offshore Windfarm Sites for Research

Best Practice Guidelines

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